Post by Mint on Aug 27, 2008 12:27:40 GMT -5
in case, I'll put the basics here, then go into detail.
* No God modeling, super characters, ect. * Use some form of 1OOC, meaning to keep in character writing from out of character. * Limit things like brb, Btw, jftr... chat speak. * No flaming. * The board creature should make it clear in the title who they want the thread they make, ex. putting in the title (Pinkfur/Open) In that they would be asking the cat by the name of Pinkfur, and anyone else who wanted to be there. You may also specify what clan you want there... etc.
Now, expansive rules.
First of all, we can't have any flaming. This includes, arguing to the extreme, swearing, and intrusive actions that violate any personal boundaries. Absolutely NO BASHING. This may also include spam PMing. As far as profiles go, you must follow the form. It makes it easier for moderators and helps it be more understandable. If you cannot or have nothing to put there, leave it blank or explain why it cannot be filled out. You may not use the character you create until it is moved to the accepted board, where it will be kept for reference.
You can use a cat picture in your cat's bio is you want to, this means anime and real-cat. Please try DO NOT use any type of cartoons, they often don't fit here. If the cat you find has a collar, or any Twoleg markings, it doesn't matter.
Signatures cannot be bigger than 500 x 300, and avatars no bigger than 150 x 150 pix. I encourage you to keep avatars at 100x100.
Keep posts at least 10 words long. Role-play posts at least 30. This isn't a beginner site, but those are the minimal expectations.
Post in third person when role playing. That would mean having posts like this: Twirltail spun around. "I'll get you later." He seethed. Instead of: I whirled around. Fury burned in my heart as a gave him last words: "I'll get you later." See the difference?
PATIENCE IS GOLDEN. We expect you to be one once or twice a week, drop me a mail if this isn't possible. Deputy + cats have to meet this expectation.
Post your own topic. Post on topic. If what you are posting does not fit with what's going on, you'd best make a new topic.
Do not post twice in a row. Double posting can be easily avoided by editing your post.
You can have 3 cats in each clan. Kits and apprentices are exceptions.